Кратко для чего оно - регистрируетесь на сайте, они вам высылают probe http://www.lantronix.com/device-network ... t-pro.html . Вы ее включаете за свой роутер, она получает адрес и начинает мерить

Вроде, обещают показывать все активные probe у себя на карте, будет доступ к статистике.
Data collection
Q: What kind of measurements does my probe do? What data does it collect?
A: Initially, every probe will does built-in measurements, such as:
its own network configuration information
current uptime, uptime history and total uptime
RTT (round trip time) measurements to the first and second hops (think about the first two lines in your outgoing traceroutes)
RTT measurements to a number of predetermined destinations
Later we'll allow hosts to define their own measurements, thereby harnessing the power of multiple probes hosted by others.
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